MATLAB: From a structure find the number of rows with a certain character


In a structure there is a column having characters of (LB, LL). How can I find how many LB and LL are there?

Best Answer

Hello Asim Ismail! Maybe this can be helpfull:
I create a struct "s" with a field "type".
clear all;
close all;
A = ['LB';'LB';'LL';'LB';'LL'];
field = 'type';
value = A;
s = struct(field,value);
LB_quant = sum(s.type(:,2)=='B') %number of 'LB' in array type of struct s
LL_quant = sum(s.type(:,2)=='L') %number of 'LL' in array type of struct s
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