MATLAB: Frequent crashes when using Matlab GUI on Fedora 28, stack trace suggests library conflicts

linuxMATLABmatlab gui

Just in the last week, I have been unable to use Matlab GUIs. I get the following error:
Segmentation violation detected at Sun Sep 02 10:05:06 2018 -0400
Crash Decoding : Disabled - No sandbox or build area path
Crash Mode : continue (default)
Default Encoding : UTF-8
Deployed : false
Desktop Environment : GNOME
GNU C Library : 2.27 stable
Graphics Driver : Intel Open Source Technology Center Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 (Kaby Lake GT2) Version 3.0 Mesa 18.0.5
Java Version : Java 1.8.0_144-b01 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
MATLAB Architecture : glnxa64
MATLAB Entitlement ID : 4172689
MATLAB Root : /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a
MATLAB Version : (R2018a)
OpenGL : hardware
Operating System : "Fedora release 28 (Twenty Eight)"
Process ID : 22915
Processor ID : x86 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
Session Key : 8352b685-7417-436c-9900-06ca700eb4e0
Static TLS mitigation : Enabled: Full
Window System : Fedora Project (11906000), display :0
Fault Count: 1
Abnormal termination
Register State (from fault):
RAX = 0000000002222200 RBX = 0000000002226b90
RCX = 0000000000000000 RDX = 0000000000000000
RSP = 00007ffc7fed3d60 RBP = 0000000000000000
RSI = 0000000000000003 RDI = 0000000000000010
R8 = 0000000000000003 R9 = 0000000000000002
R10 = 000000000224e000 R11 = 0000000000000246
R12 = 00007ff042ce3038 R13 = 0000000002207d20
R14 = 00007ffc7fed4270 R15 = 00007ffc7fed4240
RIP = 00007ff042846fde EFL = 0000000000010202
CS = 0033 FS = 0000 GS = 0000
Stack Trace (from fault):
[ 0] 0x00007ff042846fde /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate4initEv+00000110
[ 1] 0x00007ff041ef90eb /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN22QGuiApplicationPrivate4initEv+00000027
[ 2] 0x00007ff041719259 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a/bin/glnxa64/ _ZN19QApplicationPrivate4initEv+00000009
[ 3] 0x00007ff043f652e1 bin/glnxa64/
[ 4] 0x00007ff043fd4d55 bin/glnxa64/
[ 5] 0x00007ff1cdd229cc bin/glnxa64/
[ 6] 0x00007ff1cdd2432f bin/glnxa64/
[ 7] 0x00007ff1cdd24704 bin/glnxa64/ _Z12mcr_run_mainRKN7mwboost9function0IiEEbb+00000196
[ 8] 0x00007ff1ce5e9d5b bin/glnxa64/
[ 9] 0x00007ff1efa5d509 bin/glnxa64/
[ 10] 0x00007ff1efa5c414 bin/glnxa64/
[ 11] 0x0000000000406d21 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a/bin/glnxa64/MATLAB+00027937
[ 12] 0x00007ff1edb3624b /lib64/ __libc_start_main+00000235
[ 13] 0x0000000000407123 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2018a/bin/glnxa64/MATLAB+00028963
[ 14] 0x0000000000000000 <unknown-module>+00000000
I suspect that this may be due to a system library being upgraded, since it just started happening. Does anyone on the Matlab support team have a clue which matlab library may be conflicting with my system libraries?

Best Answer

Hi, I solved the issue. Try to move the (MATLAB)/bin/glnxa64/ file to an "exclude" folder, or just do:
Without this workaround, I was also able to open simulink by starting MATLAB with the -nodesktop option.
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