MATLAB: Frequency mixing

digital signal processing

Why is that if one multiplies a function say g(t) by exp(jwt) in matlab, the frequency resulting signal is upconverted rather for it to be downconverted. mathematically by Fourier analysis; FT-means Fourier transform say g(t)=sin(wt) if FT[g(t)]=G(wo) then FT[g(t)exp(jwt)]= G(wo+w), but in matlab the plotting abs(FT[g(t)exp(jwt)]) gives a result that presents FT[g(t)exp(jwt)]=G(wo-w) Pls, kindly shed light on this!

Best Answer

Let X(\omega) = G(\omega-\omega_0)
X(\omega_0) = G(0)
if \omega_0 is positive, then X(\omega) is shifted to the right of G(\omega)