MATLAB: Frame must be 0 by 0 error during movie2avi

gerframe movie2avi error frame movie

Hi, im trying to make avi file using getframe. Ive done a lot of movies but now it crashed. Matlab says:
Error using avifile/addframe>ValidateFrame (line 288)
Frame must be 0 by 0.
Error in avifile/addframe (line 158)
ValidateFrame(aviobj,width, height,dims);
Error in movie2avi (line 64)
avimov = addframe(avimov,mov);
Error in movie>save_pushbutton_Callback (line 107)
movie2avi(handles.F, 'test1211.avi','fps',3);
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)
Error in movie (line 16)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in @(hObject,eventdata)movie('save_pushbutton_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Do you know what this error means? Thanks!!

Best Answer

All frames in an AVI file must have the same size. When the first frame was created with the size [0 x 0], all other frames must have the same size also. But obviously this is not intented and there is a bug for the first frame already.