MATLAB: Frame based data in Scope

random integer generatorscopesimulink

I want to watch a frame based binary stream which is generated with the Random Integer Generator with the Scope block.
If the sample per Frame option = 1, the Scope block can display the binary data correctly but if this option = 2 or greater the binary data seems to be overlapped because there are many colors in the display.
Is it possible to watch such binary streams?
Thanks Senmeis

Best Answer

You can use the time scope or the vector scope directly on the frame based signal. This will display all of the values in the frame for the current time step.
It sounds like you were originally converting to a sample-based signal and using a normal scope. The issue here is that as you acquire bigger and bigger frames there is no good way to really see all the data in a given frame for all points in time without cluttering the scope.
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