MATLAB: Fractions after tabulated a ranking

ranking tabulate

Hello guys,
i have two Matrices tbl1 and tbl2 that you can see below.
My Goal is to create a table or Matrix that gives me the fractions of tbl1 divided by tbl2.
So the final Matrix or table should be a new Matrix that gives me the fractions from tbl1 to tbl2 with a ranking(Ordered Descending).
Can anyone of you please help me ? 🙂

Best Answer

I am not 100% sure I understand what you mean by "the fractions", but the solution below should at least get you some of the components of the solution you need:
tbl1 = {'IT', 7,36.8421;
'GR', 3,15.7895};
tbl2 = {'DE', 18, 18.3673;
'IT', 13, 13.2653;
'GR', 4, 4.0816};
[tf,loc] = ismember(tbl1(:,1),tbl2(:,1));
ratio = cell2mat(tbl1(:,[2 3]))./cell2mat(tbl2(loc,[2 3]));
Notice that I am using the ismember command to locate the strings from tbl1 in tbl2.
I am assuming that each string from tbl1 does appear in tbl2. However, you could used the output tf to check that assumption, and change the code accordingly.
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