MATLAB: Fprintf repeat


Hey I'm trying to do something… and I don't know if it's possible :s
I'm currently drawing on subfunctions and showing the result via fprintf, however I want to simplify it if I can.
If my code has the following;
fprintf('My results are %.5f and %.5f' f(x), (f(x)/2))
Is there anyway to avoid having to state "f(x)" twice? I know I could define it earlier by something like "a = f(x)" and then have the fprintf have "a, a/2" but I want to keep as much of the code as I can in the fprintf.
Is there any way I can do this? I would assume not, but MATLAB has supprised me before!
I appretiate the help and if any more details are needed just ask 🙂

Best Answer

fprintf('My results are %.5f and %.5f', f(x)./[1, 2])
Hey, it's not a better solution but it meets your requirements.