MATLAB: Fprintf error inside function


I am trying to create a log file as a txt from a program I am building. The problem is that I keep getting the "Undefined function 'fprinf' for input arguments of type 'double'." error when I try to write to it using fprintf. A sample code is shown:
fid=fopen(path,'w'); fprinf(fid,'%s \r\n',log); fclose(fid);
where path is a local string on my Computer and "log" is a character Array.
I can open the file just file, it creates the .txt file (I can see it in Windows) and a fid interger is given. But the fprtinf line gives the error mentioned above. I can enter it once into the Command Window and the "Did you mean:" Comes up and Displays the exact same command. I enter it again and it works but then it never works in my function. Am I missing something easy here?
Thanks! Dave

Best Answer

fprintf not fprinf :)