MATLAB: Fprintf and fscanf same format fail to read file. appreciate help

fscanf formatMATLAB

I wrote a text file (on a windows PC). (A is large matrix of size [29909961, 4] elements)
fprintf(fid,'%5i%5i %17.4E%17.4E\r\n', A);
but fscanf fails to read it in again. have tried a bit with different options, but no success
K51=fscanf(fid,'%5i%5i %17.4E%17.4E\r\n');
appreciate the help!

Best Answer

MATLAB is NOT Fortran.
As Stephen notes above and is documented, fscanf returns a single array of a given class; if there are any doubles in the input file, then the output returned has to be double.
What is also documented but you have to read every stinkin' line through to the end to find it is:
"Format specifiers for the reading functions sscanf and fscanf differ from the formats for the writing functions sprintf and fprintf. The reading functions do not support a precision field.
So, the thing that is breaking your input read is the ".4" in the e-format fields in your format string. It simply isn't supported by MATLAB. (I don't know if this true of underlying C fscanf or is only a limitation in the TMW-suppled vectorized versions of MATLAB.)
To read all numeric data you don't need the specific format and are better off without it...just use '%f'
>> x=[randi(100,20,2) rand(20,2)]; % dummy data set
>> fid=fopen('jorgen.dat','w');
>> fprintf(fid,'%5i %5i %17.4E %17.4E\n', A.');
>> fid=fclose(fid);
>> fid=fopen('jorgen.dat','r');
>> fscanf(fid,'%f',[4,inf]).'
ans =
36.0000 17.0000 0.1066 0.8530
84.0000 80.0000 0.9619 0.6221
59.0000 32.0000 0.0046 0.3509
55.0000 53.0000 0.7749 0.5132
92.0000 17.0000 0.8173 0.4018
29.0000 61.0000 0.8687 0.0760
76.0000 27.0000 0.0844 0.2399
76.0000 66.0000 0.3998 0.1233
39.0000 69.0000 0.2599 0.1839
57.0000 75.0000 0.8001 0.2399
8.0000 46.0000 0.4314 0.4173
6.0000 9.0000 0.9106 0.0497
54.0000 23.0000 0.1819 0.9027
78.0000 92.0000 0.2638 0.9448
94.0000 16.0000 0.1455 0.4909
13.0000 83.0000 0.1361 0.4893
57.0000 54.0000 0.8693 0.3377
47.0000 100.0000 0.5797 0.9001
2.0000 8.0000 0.5499 0.3693
34.0000 45.0000 0.1449 0.1112
>> fid=fclose(fid);
>> type jorgen.dat % to compare
36 17 1.0665E-01 8.5303E-01
84 80 9.6190E-01 6.2206E-01
59 32 4.6342E-03 3.5095E-01
55 53 7.7491E-01 5.1325E-01
92 17 8.1730E-01 4.0181E-01
29 61 8.6869E-01 7.5967E-02
76 27 8.4436E-02 2.3992E-01
76 66 3.9978E-01 1.2332E-01
39 69 2.5987E-01 1.8391E-01
57 75 8.0007E-01 2.3995E-01
8 46 4.3141E-01 4.1727E-01
6 9 9.1065E-01 4.9654E-02
54 23 1.8185E-01 9.0272E-01
78 92 2.6380E-01 9.4479E-01
94 16 1.4554E-01 4.9086E-01
13 83 1.3607E-01 4.8925E-01
57 54 8.6929E-01 3.3772E-01
47 100 5.7970E-01 9.0005E-01
2 8 5.4986E-01 3.6925E-01
34 45 1.4495E-01 1.1120E-01
Even simpler is the now sadly deprecated textread --
>> textread('jorgen.dat')
ans =
36.0000 17.0000 0.1066 0.8530
84.0000 80.0000 0.9619 0.6221
59.0000 32.0000 0.0046 0.3509
55.0000 53.0000 0.7749 0.5132
92.0000 17.0000 0.8173 0.4018
29.0000 61.0000 0.8687 0.0760
76.0000 27.0000 0.0844 0.2399
76.0000 66.0000 0.3998 0.1233
39.0000 69.0000 0.2599 0.1839
57.0000 75.0000 0.8001 0.2399
8.0000 46.0000 0.4314 0.4173
6.0000 9.0000 0.9106 0.0497
54.0000 23.0000 0.1819 0.9027
78.0000 92.0000 0.2638 0.9448
94.0000 16.0000 0.1455 0.4909
13.0000 83.0000 0.1361 0.4893
57.0000 54.0000 0.8693 0.3377
47.0000 100.0000 0.5797 0.9001
2.0000 8.0000 0.5499 0.3693
34.0000 45.0000 0.1449 0.1112
it saves messing around with file handles and format string entirely for all-numeric data arrays. textscan can do the same excepting have to use file handles and then cast the cell array to double manually.