MATLAB: FPGA and ethernet communication


I want to use TCPIP protocol on port 80 to connect fpga kit named ML505 with matlab.
Can i do it???
If yes den how??
I know there are some commands like
echotcpip = start or stop TCP/IP echo server
resolvehost = Network name or network address
tcpip = Create TCPIP object
What is the use of this commands i didnot get the meaning of creating TCPIP object when my object is xilixs FPGA ML505 kit???

Best Answer

You can download a HTTP web server IP core from that transfers data between MATLAB and FPGA using the HTTP protocol and the MATLAB 'urlread' command. Physical Ethernet connection to the FPGA is made via standard LVDS IO and a RJ-45 jack (see photo below).
There's also an online demo that allows you to experiment transferring data over the internet with an actual FPGA running the IP core using the MATLAB code below. To try it, navigate to in your browser and log onto the FPGA. In the MATLAB code, set 'fpga_ip' = the resolved IP address (e.g. from your browser's URL box. Use the embedded webcam to view the board live as you move the servo motor and illuminate LEDs.
% IP address of FPGA
fpga_ip = "";
% Write 8 bytes to BRAM address 0x1002 and read them back.
s = urlread (strcat(fpga_ip,'wr_0x1002_0x0123456789ABCDEF'),'post',{'',''});
s = urlread (strcat(fpga_ip,'rd_0x1002_0x8'),'post',{'',''});
fprintf('read 0x%s from FPGA\n',s);
% Move servo motor and write to 7 segment display.
s = urlread (strcat(fpga_ip,'wr_0x0_0x1234'),'post',{'',''});