MATLAB: Fortran to Matlab converting the “where” statement


I would like to know how is possible to convert the particular statement from fortran to matlab
where (abs(A-B)>e)
end where
A and B are arrays of some particular dimensions, and e is a scalar. I have to say that I am not that familiar with either programming languages. However, what I understood from some sources the particular statement takes the element per element difference of those arrays and evaluates whether the difference is higher or lower from a particular scalar, e. For this example, assume that it is very small, e.g e=0.0001.
I have used the f2matlab but it does very poor job on this fortran statement. In case it helps this is a code from F90.
I am wondering whether the quivalent for a matlab is something like this:
if abs(A-B)>e
no_converge=1 ;
no_converge=0 ;
However, I am not sure whether this is quite general or not. In other words, i am not sure for whatever the condition is or the A's and B's a simple "if" statement does the trick.
I will really appreciate any suggestions here. In case that it helps, this part of the code, is very crucial since it checks whether a whole distribution converges to a particular distribution that is needed.
Many thanks

Best Answer

no_converge= zeros(size(A));
no_converge( abs(A-B) > e ) = 1;
no_converge= double( abs(A-B) > e );
or if you can use no_converge as a logical instead of a double:
no_converge= abs(A-B) > e;