MATLAB: Formula not returning array

functionmatrix arrayplot

I am creating some simple physics simulations for a frame problem, in which I want to show change in angular velocity of one point of a body as an angle changes.
I have assigned 'theta' to be a simple array [0:90] in a script and want a formula (derived for the particular problem) to produce an array of angular velocities as theta changes, and then plot them. The code is only returning a single angular velocity (i.e. velocity at theta = 45 deg) instead of producing an array of angular velocities that can be plotted. Any help is appreciated. Script code is below:
%% Angular Vel of AB
omegaOA = 10.472;
theta = [0:90];
omegaAB = (omegaOA*.08*cosd(theta))/(sqrt(.01-(.08.*sind(theta)+.01).^2));
plot(theta, omegaAB,'r-.')
Matlab produces a blank plot and assigns a single value to omegaAB instead of an array. 'omegaAB = 7.6926' Why is that? Does this require a separate function to be made?

Best Answer

Hello Ian, you forgot to put a dot in front of the divide sign: ./ in order to create element-by-element division.