MATLAB: Formula for change in amplitude after passing through filters


I have a file with time and voltages which I then passed through firbandpass sampled at 5000, (firhighpass and firlowpass sampled at 1000) filters to give me a filtered data of the voltage. I need the relationship between the actual amplitude and the filtered amplitude interms of formula. how do I determine the formula???

Best Answer

The ‘formula’ would be the transfer function of your filter, in the context of the frequency content of your signal.
For example, of you are using a lowpass filter with a 2kHz cutoff, and the frequency of your signal was 1kHz, you would expect essentially no attenuation. If you signal frequency was 3kHz, the output would be reduced by whatever the the filter stopband attenuation is. If your signal consisted of both, the 1kHz output would be essentially the same as the input, and the 3kHz signal would be significantly reduced.