MATLAB: Formatting data using an if function

if statementMATLAB

Hello everybody, how can I adjust the data, so that the purple curve will always be connected? The next purple section should start at the end of the section before…. I've no clue how to do that. I really need help, because of this thing I'm not able to finish my bachelor thesis. Thanks guys.
(Ignore the legend)
C=cumsum(diffE,'omitnan'); % needed Capacity
Cbmax= 1000; % in MWH, max. capacity of the battery storage
Cbmin= 100; % in MWh, deep charge border
imax= C>=Cbmax-Cbmin; % find where C is larger than the Capacity
imin= C<=0; % find where C is =0
C(imax) = Cbmax-Cbmin; % if C is larger than Cbmax: C=Cbmax
C(imin) = Cbmin-Cbmin; % if C is smaller than Cbmin: C=Cbmin
for k=1:length(Cres)-1
if Cres(k)>(Cbmax-Cbmin) && Cres(k)>Cres(k+1)
if Cres(k)>(Cbmax-Cbmin) && C(k)<(Cbmax-Cbmin)

Best Answer

"how can I adjust the data, so that the purple curve will always be connected?"
  • loop over the length of the data vector.
  • detect any discontinuities (e.g. difference/offset, or some other metric).
  • shift the remaining data by the detected offset (use indexing).
Something like this:
for k = 2:numel(vec)
d = diff(vec(k-1:k))
if abs(d)>tol % pick a tolerance, or some metric
vec(k:end) = vec(k:end)-d;
I just tried this on a fake data vector:
tol = 2;
vec = [0,1,2,3,4,10,11,12,13];
>> vec
vec =
0 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7
You could fine-tune the algorithm so that it includes an offset of the same sign as d, but with magnitude tol. Also it would pay to do some reading into detecting discontinuities: