MATLAB: Formatted string plus list of numbers using sprintf


I would like to display comma-separated records like the following,
Here's my attempt, but is there a less clunky way?
% Make the record label string
iRecord = 1;
strLabel = ['Record' num2str(iRecord)];
% Make the number vector
numberList = round(rand(1,10)*10);
% Turn number vector into a string
numberListIntoString = sprintf('%d,', numberList);
% Remove comma at end
numberListIntoString = numberListIntoString(1:(end-1));
% Display the result
disp([strLabel ',' numberListIntoString])

Best Answer

numberList = round(rand(1,10)*10);
s = ['Record',regexprep(num2str([1,numberList]),' +',',')];