MATLAB: Format specifiers for TEXTSCAN


I'm confused by the TEXTSCAN documentation regarding the format specifier. In the following call (from code I did not write, but need to understand),
data = textscan(textLine,'%f%f%f%f%*[^\n]');
I get that it will attempt to parse four floats, but what about the rest of the specifier?
If I'm reading the docs correctly, the '%*' means "skip the next field," but no width is given. So does this just skip characters until it encounters the first one excluded by the '[^\n]'? In other words, does this construction just mean "parse four floats, then ignore until end of line"?
Thanks in advance for any clarifications,

Best Answer

Yes, that is exactly what that construct means, 4 floats and then ignore to newline.
The newline itself would not be consumed by the format, but nearly all of the % specifiers skip leading whitespace so in practice that seldom makes a difference.