MATLAB: Force Matlab to show whole answer

force matlabMATLABmatrixsymbolic toolbox

I've a symbolic equation:
syms w1 L1 L2 C s real
JJ = [0,-1;1,0];
I = [1,0;0 1];
yo = (1+C*L1*(s+1j*w1)^2)/((s+1j*w1)^3*L1*L2*C+(s+1j*w1)*(L1+L2))
yr1 = real(yo);
yi1 = imag(yo);
Yo1 = I*yr1+JJ*yi1
but Matlab uses abbreviations for showing answer to Yo1. Is there any way to force Matlab to show a simplified answer?
  • Command simplify() doesn't work.

Best Answer

The simplify function needs to be told to continue working untill it cannot simplify further or it reaches the iteration limit.
Try this to see if it does what you want:
Yo1s = simplify(Yo1, 'Steps', 250)