MATLAB: Can I force a radio button group to initialize with a certain button selected

matlab guiobject properties

As the question says, I want a particular button selected every time the radio button group is initialized. Can I "set()" this somehow?

Best Answer

Have a look at the selectedobject property.
h = uibuttongroup('Pos',[0 0 .2 1]);
u0 = uicontrol(h,'Style','Radio','String','Option 1',...
'pos',[10 350 100 30]);
u1 = uicontrol(h,'Style','Radio','String','Option 2',...
'pos',[10 250 100 30]);
u2 = uicontrol(h,'Style','Radio','String','Option 3',...
'pos',[10 150 100 30]);
set(h,'SelectedObject',u2); % Set the object.
If you are using GUIDE, simply put this code at the end of the GUI OpeningFcn. For example, if you GUI is called mygui, then look for mygui_OpeningFcn.
% Use the correct names, for the objects, of course...