MATLAB: For – While Loop Nested

for loophomeworknestedwhile loop

Hello everyone;
I try to use this loop;
R = 8.914;
PCO = 0;
for i = [1:250]
T(i) = i+0.1;
deltaG = -287500 + 22.75*T;
while PCO<100;
PCO = PCO + 0.01;
deltaGnew = R * T .* log(PCO);
But in my workspace I saw that T has only 2 values ([1.1,2.1])
The problem is that : I have T and PCO values. T varies between 1 – 250 and PCO starts 0 to 100. I want to calculate deltaG values of each temperature and deltaGnew values of each temp and PCO. And after that if deltaG = deltaGnew, I want to stop my loops.
Thank you!
Kindest regards,

Best Answer

R = 8.914; % I don't understand why you need a loop though?
PCO = linspace(0, 1e2);
T = linspace(1, 250);
deltaG = -287500 + 22.75*T;
deltaGnew = R * T .* log(PCO);