MATLAB: For SIMULINK level-1 S function how to address two inputs which are matrices


if the inputs to the S function are two which are matrices
in the first place how to declare them in the function syntax *function [sys,x0,str,ts,simStateCompliance] =multiply(t,x,u,flag,)***
and how to adress the elements of the matrices say if A and B are the input matrices
A(1,1) and B(2,1) something like that..
Please help in this regard Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Since Level-1 MATLAB S-functions only have one input, you'll need to concatenate A and B to supply them as the input. Your indexing will depend on how you concatenate them before supplying them to the S-function.
Also, may I recommend that you try and switch to using Level-2 MATLAB S-functions? Level-1 S-functions have been deprecated for a long time, and have very limited features. Please see Convert Level-1 MATLAB S-Functions to Level-2.