MATLAB: For Loop with Temporary Variable

for loop

I am trying to create a temp matrix to store data to later match and penalize and overwrite the original matrix. I am able to completely run through the code but the final penalization and overwriting of matrix Downlink{ii,2} is not happening. I think it has to do with how Matlab has temp variables compared to C. I have attached my code to show what I have done so far.
%if true
for ii=1:size(Downlink)
for jj= 1:size(endColumn2)
if (Downlink(ii,1)==(tgbidsdouble(1,jj)))
temp = {1,jj};
save temp;
for(kk = 1:size(endColumn))
if(temp == downlinkTable(kk,1))
Downlink{ii,2} = Downlink{ii,2}+ downlinkTable{kk,3};

Best Answer

You create temp as a cell array with two elements. You then compare it to something extracted from downlink table. That implies that the downlink table is a cell array of cells. If the test succeeds then you add the downlink table element to something. But addition is not defined for cell arrays. So we deduce that the element is numeric and that the test will never work because you compare a cell array to a number
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