MATLAB: For loop with multiple variables

for loop with multiple variables

As in java we have "for (int i = 0, j = 1, k = 2; i < 5; i++)"
I would like to do as
for st = 1:numel(pointst) , ed = 1:numel(pointed)
What is the way i can do this kind of operation

Best Answer

If you want this:
Java: for (int i = 1, j = 0; i <= limit; i++, j++)
in Matlab:
j = 0;
for i = 1:limit
j = j + 1;
Less nice alternatives:
index = [1:limit; ...
for k = 1:size(index, 2)
i = index(1, k);
j = index(2, k);
index = [1:limit; ...
for k = index
i = k(1);
j = k(2);
The last one might look strange. The FOR loop evaluates the given index vector along the 2nd dimension, such that the column vectors are assigned to k.
Maybe this is useful for you:
indexI = 1:limit;
indexJ = 1:limit; % Of course this is a test data only
for k = 1:numel(index1)
i = indexI(k);
j = indexJ(k);