MATLAB: For loop with decimal increment not seen as integer or logical value

for loop increment indexing

  1. Have for loop repeatedly create matrices of random integers
  2. Create new matrix where columns = variance for each row of random integer matrices
  3. Compare variance to increment ranging from 0:0.01:4 (0-4 in increments of 0.01) and retain each matrix of 0s and 1s generated this way
The following code produces the desired results when the increment = 1 (not 0.01)
T = 10;
W = zeros(3,10);
for trial = 1:T
mtest = randi([1,5],3,4)
W(:,trial) = var(mtest,0,2);
minc = zeros(3,10,5);
for mindex = 0:1:4
minc(:,:,mindex+1) = W >= mindex
Problem 1: The same code does not work when the increment is set to 0.01:
linc = zeros(3,10,401);
for lindex = 0:0.01:4
linc(:,:,lindex+1) = W >= lindex
Error = Index in position 3 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Problem 2: After much reading, I think the problem is that "lindex+1" produces indices of 1.01, 1.02…etc. Yet both of the below solutions produce the same error.
Solution 1: Add 1 to remove 0 from index; multiply by 100 such that index should proceed as 100, 101, 102…etc.
linc = zeros(3,10,401);
for lindex = 0:0.01:4
linc(:,:,(lindex+1)*100) = W >= lindex
Solution 2: Start index at 0.01 instead of 0 and multiply by 100 such that index should proceed as 100, 101, 102…etc.
linc = zeros(3,10,401);
for lindex = 0.01:0.01:4
linc(:,:,lindex*100) = W >= lindex
Why does the code work if increment = 1 but not 0.01? How can I fix this? Thank you in advance, this is a wonderful community.

Best Answer

lindex = 0:0.01:4 ;
linc = zeros(3,10,401);
for i = 1:length(lindex)
linc(:,:,i) = W >= lindex(i) ;
Please note that, your indices should not be zero, or fractions or negative. In your original code in problem 1, you have used fractions, zero as indices, therefore you gor errors.