MATLAB: For loop using strings

for loop

I have accelerometry data in the x, y and z-plane. Now I'm writing code and always doing the same thing 3 times… I want to put this in a forloop. How do I achieve this?
In this code, I'm trying to detect the number of peaks in the data that is higher than a given threshold 1.25. As you can see, I'm doing this 3 times, for the x, y and z-plane. I can't seem to figure out how to put this in a forloop. Can anyone help?
Thank you.
[pks_x_sit1,locs_x_sit1] = findpeaks(x_sit1,'MinPeakHeight',1.25);
nr_pks_x_sit1 = length(pks_x_sit1);
[pks_y_sit1,locs_y_sit1] = findpeaks(y_sit1,'MinPeakHeight',1.25);
nr_pks_y_sit1 = length(pks_y_sit1);
[pks_z_sit1,locs_z_sit1] = findpeaks(z_sit1,'MinPeakHeight',1.25);
nr_pks_z_sit1 = length(pks_z_sit1);

Best Answer

Let A be your data of size m*3.
for i = 1:3
[pks_x_sit1,locs_x_sit1] = findpeaks(A(:,i),'MinPeakHeight',1.25);
nr_pks_x_sit1 = length(pks_x_sit1);