MATLAB: For loop to write data to excel


I have a number of matrix (e.g. n=10) dw1,dw2….dw10. they are obtained through equation dw=-dudx-dvdy. I want to use a for loop to write all these matrix to an excel. I did these
for i = 1:n;
dwname = sprintf('dw%d=-dudx%d-dvdy%d;',[i,i,i]);
From this loop i got all the dwi. but because dwname is a char, so the data wrote to excel is not the matrix dwi not only a string . I tried to transfer the char name to variable, but didnt make it.
Is there anyone who can help me with this?

Best Answer

dwname needs to be a cell, not a character array. Put it inside braces like this {dwname}. Or better yet do it this way where I first create the cell array and then write it out just once at the end instead of in every iteration:
% Create a 1 by n cell array called dwname.
n = 5;
for i = 1:n
dwname{i} = {sprintf('dw%d=-dudx%d-dvdy%d;',[i,i,i])}
% Write out the cell array all in one shot.
sheetNumber = 1;
range = 'a1';
xlswrite('name.xls', dwname, sheetNumber, range);