MATLAB: For loop to include an array into a different array

arrayerrorfor loopfunctionpermutation

I have a array that has all permutations for a set of 6 numbers. I need to add it to a different array that has set first and last elements. When I run the function, I get an error message that states "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch."
nw = 7;
inter= [2 3 4 5 6 7];
interRarr= perms(inter);
Rarr= zeros(factorial(nw-1), nw);
for i=1:factorial(nw-2)
Rarr(i,:) = [1 interRarr(i,:) 1];

Best Answer

I figured it out! Rarr was set up too small instead of it being
Rarr= zeros(factorial(nw-1), nw);
it had to be
Rarr= zeros(factorial(nw-2), nw+1);