MATLAB: For loop through cell arrays

cell arraysfor loop

I have a 1×4 cell array of
{60×4 double} {60×4 double} {60×4 double} {60×4 double}
and I need to;
-find the values at the 3rd column at the rows have "20" at the first column in each cell
-then eliminate zeros if there is any
-then take average
As an illustration
10 NaN 0 NaN 20 NaN 623 1
10 NaN 0 NaN 20 NaN 0 NaN
20 NaN 310 1 10 NaN 38 1
20 NaN 0 NaN 10 NaN 0 NaN
20 NaN 1445 1 10 NaN 0 NaN
the first cell should give the average of 310 and 1445, whereas the second cell should give 623.
I am thinking of a for loop but I couldnt make it work. Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

If you want to do this in a loop, there are 4 steps I've outlined below.
"c" is the 1x4 cell array.
column3Means = nan(size(c));
for i = 1:numel(c)
% Find rows where column 1 equals 20
index1 = c{i}(:,1) == 20;
% Find rows where column 3 is not 0
index2 = c{i}(:,3) ~= 0;
% Combine those indices
idx = index1 & index2;
% Use the combined index to compute the mean
column3Means(i) = mean(c{i}(idx,3),'omitnan');
FYI, the loop can be avoided using the cellfun() function.