MATLAB: For Loop Related Question

for loopMATLABrepetitive code

So I have written a script, which essentially repeats code 3 times (once for group 'A', once for group 'B' and once for group 'C'). Within each group, there are n number of individual data, i.e. I load in 25 peoples data for Group A, 26 peoples data for Group B and 23 peoples data for Group C.
I have created a for loop which finds averages for each group.
However, my question is: Is there an easy way to put another for loop in in order for the script to run so that each of the three groups can be inputted one after each other?
Feels like a very simple thing to do but cannot visualise how to do it.
Many thanks

Best Answer

Based on the above information, one possible way is to make use of struct as follows:
groupNames = ["Pre_HTO", "Post_HTO"];
folderPath = "C:\Users\c1734806\OneDrive - Cardiff University\PhD Folder\Thesis\NL_Simulations_Complete\";
for i = 1:numel(groupNames)
groupData.(groupNames(i)) = myGroupFunc(folderPath,groupNames(i));
function groupStruct = myGroupFunc(folderPath,group)
files = dir('*_Contact_Forces.mat'); % finds all of the files in the cd with that in it's name
for ii=1:length(files) % calculates how many files there with above name
ALL_DATA{ii} = load(files(ii).name);% loads in the data with said filename
x{(ii)} = ALL_DATA{1, ii}.Results.CFMedialAverage.Res';
groupStruct.DATA = ALL_DATA;
groupStruct.files = files;
groupStruct.CFMedial_Group = cell2mat( x );
groupStruct.CFMedial_Group_Average = mean(Pre_HTO_CFMedial_Group,2);
You can refer to struct & Generate Field Names from Variables for more information.
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