MATLAB: For loop produces a 103×1 array I need a 1×103 array.

for looptranspose

How do I get this for loop to produce a 103X1 array? I do not want to use the transpose function.
for ii = 1:numel(H)
if H(ii) <= 11
P_S(ii) = (101.325)*((288.15/(STemp_K(ii)))^-5.255877);
elseif H(ii) >= 11 && H(ii) <= 20
P_S(ii) = (22.632)^(-0.1577*(H(ii)-11));
elseif H(ii) >= 20 && H(ii) <=32
P_S(ii) = (5.4749)*((216.65/(STemp_K(ii)))^34.16319);
elseif H(ii) >= 32 && H(ii) <=47
P_S(ii) = (0.868)*((228.65/(STemp_K(ii)))^12.2011);
elseif H(ii) >= 47 && H(ii) <=51
P_S(ii) = (0.1109)^(-0.1262*(H(ii)-47));

Best Answer

But, why use a loop at all--use the vector functions in Matlab instead. I've not tried to decipher the RHS to see what simplifications might be made in writing a more general functional form, but at worst you simply write
P_S(ix) = 101.325*288.15./STemp_K(ix)^-5.255877;
P_S(ix) = 22.632.^-0.1577*(H(ix)-11);
where iswithin is my "syntactic sugar" utility routine
>> type iswithin
function flg=iswithin(x,lo,hi)
% returns T for values within range of input
% [log] = iswithin(x,lo,hi)
% returns T for x between lo and hi values, inclusive
flg= (x>=lo) & (x<=hi);
NB: the "dot" operators to do element-wise operations on the vector sections...
You might note that your conditions are not written exclusve in that you have the "=" on both bounds so the lower limit of the second conditional overlaps the upper limit of the first, and so on...this may not be an issue, just noting...