MATLAB: For loop problem (Help)


Hi guys , anyone can help me to check my coding …
Current result, something wrong …
Desire result , How to get table like this? I'm trying to create an auto data collection software by using GUI.

Best Answer

As far as I can tell the only difference between the two branches of the if is the value of Status, so a better way of writing that if ... else would have been:
if x>= 75
Status = 'Pass';
Staus = 'Fail';
No = num2str(n);
IMC = num2str(areaRatio);
dlmwrite('Version_1',[No IMC Status],'-append','delimiter','\t','precision','%.2f');
Avoid writing the same thing twice since you double the chance that you make a mistake in one of them.
Also I'm not sure why you're using dlmwrite to write text. As your example show each character ends up separated by a tab. Not very readable.
As for your problem, your loop reduces to:
for k = 1:n
dlmwrite('Version_1', Variables_That_Do_Not_Depend_ON_k, ...)
Nothing depends on the iteration variable k in your loop, so, yes you're going to be writing n times the same things. I suspect that No should be
No = num2str(k);
As for x and areaRatio, since they're both scalar I have no idea how they're supposed to change in the loop. Note that x and areaRatio are the same since earlier you have x = areaRatio. Why have two names for the thing? It just adds confusion.