MATLAB: For loop problem; could you help


I wish to calculate w to plot for (T,w) for every thi values and T values, my goal is to plot psychrometric chart
do I need to use double for loop on this case??
eg for thi = 0,1 , T = 0:1:60 , find w ;; for thi = 0,2 , T = 0:1:60 find w2 ….. ;;; for thi = 1 , t = T = 0:1:60 find w(n)
pg(i) has been successfully computed but struggling on finding w vectors.
Could you please take a look into this?
%%% welxer formulation
g0 = -2.9912729*1000;
g1 = -6.0170128*1000;
g2 = 1.887643854*10;
g3 = -2.8354721*10^-2;
g4 = 1.7838301*10^-5;
g5 = -8.4150417*10^-10;
g6 = 4.4412543*10^-13;
g7 = 2.858487;
% T ; %%%
T = 273.15:1:273.15+60 %%% temperature
thi = 0.1 : 0.1 : 1
for i = 1:length(T)
Pg(i) = exp((g0/T(i)^2 + g1/T(i) + g2 + g3*T(i) + g4* T(i)^2 + g5 *T(i)^3 + g6*T(i)^4 ) + g7*log(T(i)))/1000;
%%%%% I would like save w vectors for for every thi = 0:0.1:1 , T = 0:1:60
w(i) = (0.622*thi*Pg(i)/101-thi*Pg(i); %%%???

Best Answer

thi = 0.1:0.1:1;
T = 273.15:1:273.15+60; %%% temperature
N = numel(T);
w = nan(numel(thi),N); % preallocate!

Pg = nan(1,N); % preallocate!
for k = 1:N
Pg(k) = exp((g0/T(k)^2 + g1/T(k) + g2 + g3*T(k) + g4* T(k)^2 + g5 *T(k)^3 + g6*T(k)^4 ) + g7*log(T(k)))/1000;
w(:,k) = 0.622*thi*Pg(k)./101-thi*Pg(k);
Every column of w is one result vector for one temperature.
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