MATLAB: For-Loop: Iterations using non-integer indices

for loopprojectile motion

I am creating a function to solve for Projectile Motion using Quadratic Drag… I am new to MATLAB and have written a function for Quadratic Drag that yields Vdotx (acceleration in x-direction) and Vdoty (acceleration in y-direction) both varying with time. I need to write a for loop to evaluate velocity in both directions using:
%Vx(t+dt)= Vx(t)+Vdotx(t)dt
%Vy(t+dt)= Vy(t)+Vdoty(t)dt
And then solving for position using:
%x(t+dt) = x(t)+Vx(t)dt
%y(x+dt) = y(t)+Vy(t)dt
The issue I can't get around is when using "For loops" a real positive integer is needed for indices. For example I would like my for loop to evaluate the x and y positions for a dt of 0.001. To do this I have written:
dt = 0.001;
Vo = 10;
theta = (pi/180)*33.3;
Vox = Vo*cos(theta);
Voy = Vo*sin(theta);
Vx(1) = Vox;
Vy(1) = Voy;
y(1) = 10;
x(1) = 0;
for t = 1:dt:8
x(t+dt) = x(t)+Vx(t)*dt
y(t+dt) = x(t)+Vy(t)*dt
This does not work because the indice (dt) is not an integer. Please help.
Thank you

Best Answer

You should follow like this:
dt = 0.001;
Vo = 10;
theta = (pi/180)*33.3;
Vox = Vo*cos(theta);
Voy = Vo*sin(theta);
t = 1:dt:8 ;
nt = length(t) ;
Vx = zeros(1,nt) ;
Vy = zeros(1,nt) ;
x = zeros(1,nt) ;
y = zeros(1,nt) ;
Vx(1) = Vox;
Vy(1) = Voy;
y(1) = 10;
x(1) = 0;
Vdotx = rand ; % not defined so I have taken random value
for i = 2:length(t)
Vx(i)= Vx(i-1)+Vdotx*dt;
x(i) = x(i-1)+Vx(i)*dt ;
y(i) = x(i-1)+Vy(i)*dt ;
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