MATLAB: For loop iteration help

bad ideafor loopiteration

Hi, in my code I have
for k=1:20
% code executed with output 'image'
data.(['val' num2str(k)]) = image; % save the dataset in 'data'. Can access data.val1, ... data.val20
I want to write another for loop to go through 'data.val1', going to 'data.val20' to execute another script I have written i.e. for k=1:20 data.val…(value of k for iteration). Help doing this will be appreciated. Thanks.

Best Answer

ajk1 - rather dynamically creating field names for your struct (which is prone to errors), why not just create a (perhaps) cell array to store all of your 20 images in? You can easily iterate over the cell array and extract the image data in your other loop
data = cell(20,1);
for k=1:20
% do something

data{k} = myImage; % don't use image which is the name of a built-in MATLAB function
Then, in your other code you would do
for k=1:length(data)
myImage = data{k};
% do something
Try the above and see what happens!