MATLAB: For Loop for Cell


For this program, the user will input any number they want in a dialog box, and from that I need to make an array from 1 to that number. However, all the combos and for loops I've tried so far haven't worked! Please help!!!
This code for example, for some reason, lists the numbers between 1 and 51, instead of 1 and 12 like it's supposed to…
%This is the dialog box where the user can enter any number. It's defaulted at 12
prompt={'Enter any value'};
name = 'Any Value';
defaultans = {'12'};
options.Interpreter = 'tex';
B = inputdlg(prompt,name,[1 40],defaultans,options);
% here I was trying to get the value out of a cell and into a matrix
% Here I tried to use a for loop to get a matrix between 1 and (in this case) 12
for k=a

Best Answer

The last half of your code should be revised, like:
% Get the value out of a cell
a = str2num(cell2mat(B));
% Make an numeric array from 1 to a
K = 1:a;