MATLAB: For loop does not iterate and store data

for loopstore datawhile loop

Please, how do I fix a for loop to store some counters obtained from a while loop.
close all;clear;clc;
NumberofSimulation = 10; % Number of simulations
StoreCounter = zeros(1,NumberofSimulation); % Stores the counters,
% StoreCounter = [11
for kk = 1: length(NumberofSimulation)
counter = 0; % Initializes the counter
ii = 1;
while ii <= 20
temp = randi([25 40]);
if temp >= 30
counter = counter + 1;
ii = ii + 1;
fprintf('kk = %d, ii = %d \n',kk,ii)% iterates aonly once. Thus, can it
%iterate more.
StoreCounter(kk) = counter; % This does not work, please. Only the counter
% obtained by first simulation is stored in the vector, StoreCounter.

Best Answer

length(NumberofSimulation) is one because it's a scalar not a vector nor a matrix thats why your for loop iterates once
for kk=1:NumberofSimulation %change your line to this