MATLAB: For loop difference between two point in a vector

for looploop

Hi everyone! I have a problem, I have to do a difference between two point: I have this vector for example M=[1;2;4;6;7;8] and my for loop should be able to construct this vector [2-1;4-2;6-4;7-6;8-7]. I'm using this script, but It's worng
for i=M(0):length(M)-1
I'm hoping you can help me. Thanks!!!! 🙂

Best Answer

iwant = diff(M)
If you are adamant about loop:
M = [1;2;4;6;7;8] ;
N1 = [2-1;4-2;6-4;7-6;8-7] ;
N = zeros(length(M)-1,1) ;
for i = 1:length(M)-1
N(i) = M(i+1)-M(i) ;