MATLAB: For-Loop Algorithm

for loop

Can anybody help me with this?
A = cell(10,1) %Cell Array with 10 Rows and 1 Column
B is another cell array with contents as such:- B = [1][2][3]
I wish to insert the content of B into A in such manner using for-loop: A = [1][2][3][1][2][3][1][2][3][1]
How do I achieve such result with for loop?

Best Answer

clear; clc;
A = cell(10,1);
B = num2cell([1 2 3]);
for x = 1 : numel(A)
idk = mod(x,3);
if idk == 0
idk = 3;
A{x} = B{idk};
The result :
>> A
A =