MATLAB: For correction: Newton’s Divided Difference method polynomial (nested form)

newton interpolating divided differencenewton's method for polynomials

I'm taking a MSc course in Applied Numerical Analysis and the programming language/software for the class is Matlab which is a fairly unfamiliar territory to me and I have limited time to master all of its syntax and semantics.
We were asked to derive a 6th order polynomial p(x) (where n =6) that is approximately equal to the function f(x) = log10(x) and subsequently solve for f(x) when the value of x = 1.43 using the Newton's Divided difference as follows:
p(x) = a0 + (x-x0)[a1 + (x-x1)[a2 + (x-x2)[a3 + (x-x3)[a4 + % (x-x4)[a5]]]]]
Here's the best I could come up with for now:
NewtonsDiffMtd_150517_.m (Assignment)
close all
% Given Data points are:
X = [1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7]; % Values for X
Y = log10(X); % Y = f(X) = log(X)
x_i = 1.43; % value of interest to be
% First, we find the Newton Coefficient, a. That is,
%function a = newtonCoeff(X,Y)
n = length(X(:,1)); % no. of X data points to be read
a = Y; % Stores the value of Y data point
% Y data points in the array a
for k = 2:n % For loop iterates over each elmt
a(k:n) = (a(k:n) - a(k-1))./(X(k:n)- X(k-1));
% Next, we program Newton Method Polynomial:
% Given by: p(x) = a0 + (x-x0)[a1 + (x-x1)[a2 + (x-x2)[a3 + (x-x3)[a4 +
% (x-x4)[a5]]]]]
% NOTE: This is achieved by deploying a backward recursion:
p = a(n);
for k = 1:n-1;
p = a(n-k) + (x_i - X(n-k))*p;
% Display the results:
disp(['Values of p: ' num2str(p)]);
I used an algorithm provided in a book: "Numerical Methods for Engineering with MATLAB" by Jaan Kiusalaas.
Please, I would be glad if you could help me correct this so that the each values of x is displayed and that the value of interest (x_i) is used in the final result of p(x).
Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Guess what guys, I sent an acquaintance the above code and he was able to spot the error. It's in line 7:
I had written:
X = [1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7];
when it should have been:
X = [1.2; 1.3; 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7];
What was missing was the semi-colon i.e.: ";". And as you might guess, I tried it out and it worked perfectly fine.
Thank you.