MATLAB: Fopen in text mode (‘rt’) giving wierd results

fopen text modeMATLAB

I am currently using version 2013a on Windows but I have received a project from our old Linux server. There is a line in it which opens a binary file like this:
fp = fopen(file, 'rt', 'l');
data = fread(fp, inf, 'float32');
When I use this command on Linux I get the expected data out of the file. When I use the same command on Windows I get one fewer number and everything after the nth entry is bad until the mth entry. This is very repeatable for a given file. Does the text mode force Matlab to look for ascii new lines even in a binary file? If I change the fopen command on Windows to this:
fp = fopen(file, 'r', 'l');
The problem goes away. I am hoping this is just something that this is just a bug with our old code that was never tested on Windows.

Best Answer

As Bruno Pop-Stefanov pointed out the problem is opening a binary file in text mode on Windows. The behavior seen was expected given the contents of the file. The solution of opening binary files without the 't' is correct.