MATLAB: Font size changes in figures


I'm trying to change the sizes of various fonts in some figures, but the changes never seem to take place. Specifically, I'm wanting to change the font size of the x- and y-labels, the title, the legend, and the tick numbers on the axes. I've tried changing these settings in the GUI as well as hard coding them in to a script, but they never seem to happen. I can change some fonts to bold face, but that is about it.
The version of MATLAB I am using is 7.11.0 (R2010b) on Linux.
EDIT 3/5/2012 #1:
Okay, this issue resolved itself months ago, but now it has popped back up. (Ironically, people have posted to this question in the last few days!) A bunch of updates and changes have occurred since the issue was first resolved and today, but I wasn't responsible for them all so I can't speak to them. Either way, I am now running Matlab R2011b ( on Fedora 16. I log into this machine via ssh (with X11 forwarding) from a machine running Arch Linux.
A recap of the issue I am seeing is the following, I can put titles and labels on axes, but I can't change the font size. No matter what I do, the font size that shows up in the figure is the default size. Everything works as normal if I physically run Matlab at the Fedora machine. It is only when I ssh into the Fedoar box that the issue shows up.
EDIT 3/5/2012 #2:
I changed the default fonts from Helvetica to Dejavu Sans using the method in the link below and everything works as normal now.
I've got Helvetica fonts on my Arch Linux machine, so I don't know what is going on.

Best Answer

@ the cyclist - I have tried hard coding font setting as you've posted, but still nothing changes. It seems as if there is a bug in the Linux version of Matlab I am using.
@ Walter - A snippet of code could be be what the cyclist posted above. Trying that with all font sizes results in the same (default?) Matlab plot. I think it is Helvetica size 10.
I did just notice that if I hard code font settings and open up the editor, the font sizes are what the code sets them to. However, the actual sizes are not rendered in the actual plot/image.
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