MATLAB: Font control in uimenu objects

fixed widthfontsuimenu

is there some obscure trick to change the fonts in uimenus? I use uimenus to show tabulated data:
name : <foo>
address : <foo>
phone number : <foo>
In two subsequent uimenus I reserve the same amount of spaces before the colon, but as the default font that matlab assigns to uimenu objects does not have a fixed width, my uimenus look horrible, as the colons don't appear aligned… is it possible to find a fix for this?

Best Answer

Pool = {'name : foo', ...
'address : foo', ...
'phone number : foo'};
menuH = uimenu(gcf, 'Label', 'Your Menu');
h1 = uimenu(menuH, 'Label', ['<HTML><PRE>', Pool{1}]);
h2 = uimenu(menuH, 'Label', ['<HTML><PRE>', Pool{2}]);
h3 = uimenu(menuH, 'Label', ['<HTML><PRE>', Pool{3}]);