MATLAB: Folder Exists Check in another directory


I have a code that gives user to select a directory that has image in it. Then the program takes other folders from one step behid. However, the program needs to check if there is any 'Bright' folder exists or not in 'parentFolder' directory. I tried this code but look like ~exist function can only take 'dir'. Is there any way to check folders from parentFolder directory?
Here is my code:
ImageFolder = uigetdir('D:\', 'Select Image Directory');
[parentFolder, thisFolder] = fileparts(ImageFolder);
fileListing = dir(parentFolder); % List of everything: folders and files:
fileListing(ismember( {}, {'.', '..'})) = [];
% Get a list of only the folders
areAFolder = [fileListing.isdir];
% Extract only those items that are folders, not files;
folderListing = fileListing(areAFolder)
if ~exist('Bright', parentFolder)

Best Answer

Just create the full path name and test agains 'dir'.
if ~exist(bright,'dir')