MATLAB: Focal Loss Layer evaluation

computer visionComputer Vision Toolboxdeep learningDeep Learning Toolboxdigital image processingimage processingimage segmentationmachine learningMATLABneural networkneural networksParallel Computing ToolboxStatistics and Machine Learning Toolb

I have created simple CNN for semantic segmentation and repalced last layer with focal loss layer to use focal loss fucntion instead of pixel classification function.
Network = [
imageInputLayer([256 256 3],"Name","imageinput")
convolution2dLayer([3 3],128,"Name","conv_1","BiasLearnRateFactor",2,"Padding","same")
transposedConv2dLayer([3 3],2,"Name","transposed-conv","Cropping","same")
after training the network, I used,
pxdsResults = semanticseg(imdsTest,Trained_network, …
'MiniBatchSize',5, …
'WriteLocation',tempdir, …
for test images but I got error the following error;
Error using semanticseg>iFindAndAssertNetworkHasOnePixelClassificationLayer (line 584)
The network must have a pixel classification layer.
Error in semanticseg>iParseInputs (line 377)
pxLayerID = iFindAndAssertNetworkHasOnePixelClassificationLayer(net);
Error in semanticseg (line 216)
params = iParseInputs(I, net, varargin{:});
Now its obvious that last layer must be pixel classification layer. but if I am using focal loss layer how to evaluate this?

Best Answer

Focal loss layer to a semantic segmentation or object classification deep learning network has been added in future release 2020b. In the earlier versions, you can use either PixelClassificationLayer or DicePixelClassificationLayer or a ClassificationLayer as the last layer in the network.
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