MATLAB: Fnn – I have a question

fnnthe embedding dimension

I use the Matlab code
function [embedm fnn1 fnn2]=fnn(y,maxm)
it can't be solved
In the windows
Error using .^
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Error in dist.apply (line 9)
z = sqrt(reshape(sum(bsxfun(@minus,w,p).^2,2),S,Q));
Error in dist.distance (line 5)
d = dist.apply(pos',pos);
Error in dist (line 59)
d = dist.distance(w,varargin{:});
Error in fnn (line 47)
How can I solve it?

Best Answer

You use smaller matrices, or you upgrade to 64 bit MATLAB with more physical RAM.