MATLAB: Fminunc is not working in the equation, can you help me with these errors? i am a beginner in matlab


hi.. i am trying to optimize this equation through matlab's fminunc
in the editor i typed:
function F = fun(x,e) F = -0.2662*x.^6 + 48.19*x.^5 – 3424.2*x.^4 + 121708*x.^3 – 2*e^6*x.^2 + 2*e.^7*x – 6*e.^7; end
in the command line i typed the following and at the same time got results shown:
x0= [0,0]; [x, fval] = fminunc (@fun,x0); ??? Undefined function or variable 'e'.
Error in ==> fun at 2 F = -0.2662*x.^6 + 48.19*x.^5 – 3424.2*x.^4 + 121708*x.^3 – 2*e^6*x.^2 + 2*e.^7*x – 6*e.^7;
Error in ==> fminunc at 227 f = feval(funfcn{3},x,varargin{:});
Caused by: Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. FMINUNC cannot continue.
can you help me fix this?

Best Answer

what are your variables in the function? x can be a vector and when plugged in F should evaluate to a scalar. By the looks of your function 'fun' that doesn't seem to be the case.