MATLAB: Fminsearch with an integral function

fminsearchnumerical integrationoptimization

I want to minimize a function with an integral using fminsearch. The question is that I dont know how to define it properly.
The function i want to minimize is:
I want to minimize it respective to θ being A, given by the user before any calculation.
How can i define the function and the fminsearch procedure?

Best Answer

See this code
A = 1;
sigma0 = 2;
int_term = @(theta) integral(@(phi) 1/(sigma0*sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-1/2*(phi/sigma0).^2).*sin(theta-phi), 0, 2*pi);
obj_fun = @(theta) -A*cos(theta)+int_term(theta);
theta_sol = fsolve(obj_fun, 0)