MATLAB: Fmincon is giving error

not enough argumentspatternsearch

Hi! I am trying to minimise a self-written objective function called optim_caps using patternsearch method And it is giving me this error .
Not enough input arguments.
Error in optim_caps (line 40)
[t,C] = ode23tb(@equations6,(0:tfinal),Cinit,options,para_cap,time_Flpurge_exp,Flpurge);
Error in funevaluate (line 54)
f = feval(FUN,reshapeinput(Xin,X),varargin{:});
Error in poptimfcnchk (line 23)
[y,count,cache] = funevaluate(FUN,Xin,X,'init',cache,[],[],objFcnArg{:});
Error in patternsearch (line 262)
[Iterate,OUTPUT.funccount] = poptimfcnchk(FUN,nonlcon,X0,Iterate, ...
Error in capillary_model_complete_recycling_calibration_model (line 38)
Caused by:
Failure in initial user-supplied objective function evaluation. PATTERNSEARCH cannot continue.
This is the declaration of my objective function. para_cap are the paramemters that I want to optimize, and the rest are just input
function ff =optim_caps(para_cap,Cgout_exp,CO2_exp_gm3,time_exp,time_exp_CO2,time_Flpurge_exp,Flpurge)
Inside my objective function I solve a ODE system and this is the declaratino of the ODE
[t,C] = ode23tb(@equations6,(0:tfinal),Cinit,options,para_cap,time_Flpurge_exp,Flpurge);
Equations6 is where I define my differential equations, and this is the definition of it:
function dC=equations6(t,C,para_cap,time_Flpurge_exp,Flpurge)
My question is, there is any specific data that should I extract from the patternsearch method that I am not feeding to my ODE solver? I feel I am missing some understanding on the syntaxis of the patternsearch.

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