MATLAB: Fminbnd Error using .^ Matrix dimensions must agree.

fminbndoptimizationOptimization Toolbox

I'm trying to use fminbnd to find a scalar k that minimizes the difference between three sets of values, but receive the above error.
My Function:
function[f] = min_diff(k,sample1,sample2,sample3)
alpha1 = 5 ./ (sample1 .^ k);
alpha2 = 7 ./ (sample2 .^ k);
alpha3 = 10 ./ (sample3 .^ k);
mean1 = mean(alpha1);
mean2 = mean(alpha2);
mean3 = mean(alpha3);
f = abs(mean1-mean2) + abs(mean1-mean3) + abs(mean2-mean3);
Code to run function:
[k_estimate,fval,exitflag] = fminbnd(@(k) min_diff(k,sample1,sample2,sample3),0,[],options);
Full Error Message:
Error using .^
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in min_diff (line 3)
alpha1 = 5 ./ (sample1 .^ k);
Error in @(k)min_diff(k,sample1,sample2,sample3)
Error in fminbnd (line 214)
x= xf; fx = funfcn(x,varargin{:});
I'm using dot-operators everywhere. Does this have something to do with how fminbnd runs?

Best Answer

You are trying to use fminbnd with [] as your x2. That is giving you an empty k.
If you want 0 to be the lower bound and you do not want an upper bound then use inf for the upper bound.
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