MATLAB: Flip size of cells inside cell aray

arraycellcell arraysMATLABvector

Hello everyone,
It may be silly to ask but i am new to cell-arrays calculations. I have a cell array of size 1×316 which contains more cells of different sizes and they are all double numeric values such as:
main cell-array: duration(1×316),
And further,
duration(1×316)-> {1×8115},{1×4790}, {1×6675},{1×4981}…. etc.
Now, i want to flip the size of each cells inside duration cell-array as:
duration(1×316)-> {8115×1},{4790,1},{6675×1},{4981×1}….etc.
Any ideas? Any help? Will appreciate it!

Best Answer

for k = 1:numel(duration)
duration{k} = duration{k}.';