MATLAB: Flip last 3 bits of vector

binarybitcmpflip bitsMATLAB

I have a uint16 vector which I need to flip the last 3 bits of every number.
I already have done this but I think there must be an easier solution to do this. Here is my code.
%Turn the vector to binary
V_bin = dec2bin(V,16);
for i=1:length(V)
%Get the last 3 bits
tmp = V_bin(14:end);
%Convert the string to decimal
tmpdec = bin2dec(tmp);
%Do the flip
tmpflip = bitcmp(uint8(tmpdec));
%Flipped to binary
tmpbin = dec2bin(tmpflip);
%Replace the flipped bits in the original string
V_bin(14:end) = tmpbin(6:end);
V = bin2dec(V_bin);
As you can see there are a lot of lines for a simple operation, I wonder if there is a more efficient method to do the same. Thanks

Best Answer

You can use BITXOR,
V = uint16( round(65535*rand(5,1)) );
V2 = bitxor(V,1+2+4); % 1+2+4 = 7 = 0000000000000111